Types of numbers deals with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, exponents and roots. Working with various types of numbers begins with whole numbers in the early years and expands as students continue through the middle years.

Skill groupSkill descriptor123456789101112
Recognizes numbersSpoken351020100100010 000100 0001,000,000 
     FractionsDecimals Mixed numbersPositive integersSquare numbersWhole number exponents
        Improper fractionsNegative integersCube numbersPositive exponents
          Square roots 
          Cube roots 
Written351020100100010 000100 0001,000,0001 000 0001 000 000 
     FractionsDecimals Mixed numbersPositive integersSquare numbers 
        Improper fractionsNegative integersCube numbers 
          Square roots 
          Cube roots 
FractionsIdentify fractions  Exist as ways to share  As parts of a whole Equivalent fractionsImproper fractions   
     As parts of a group  Mixed numbers   
      With x/2 as a common denominator     
      With x/3 as a common denominator     
      With x/4 as a common denominator     
      With x/5 as a common denominator     
      With x/8 as a common denominator     
      With x/8 as a common denominator     
      With x/10 as a common denominator     
      Using zero as a benchmark     
      Using 1/2as a benchmark     
      Using 1 as a benchmark     
Rational and irrational numbersRational numbers          Square numbersExponents with varied bases
          Cube numbers 
Irrational numbers         PiSquare roots 
          Cube roots 

(Sarama & Clements, 2023) (BC Numeracy Network ; J. Novakoski ; D. Lightbody, 2021)