After determining which version of the assessment, you will have students complete please complete the following preparation steps:
Student Booklets
- Copy one student booklet per student
- Full page double sided on 8.5”x11” paper
- Do not copy materials smaller than they are included in this package
- Some students may benefit from larger formats to assist with low vision or difficulty with written out put in that case copy onto 11.5”x17” paper using the enlarging function on the photocopier.
- Write student names and grades on each booklet in the lines provided
- Keep your booklets in a safe place away from student eyes until you are ready to give the assessment
- Make one copy of the interview guide for the teacher
- Make one copy of the interview recording sheet for each student
- Write student names and grades on each booklet in the lines provided
- Prepare the supporting materials
Supporting Materials
Subitizing Cards
- Print the subitizing cards single sided on 8.5”x11” white card stock
- Make sure the two colour dots are colour printed
- Cut out the subitizing cards along the black lines
- Record the number of dots on each card on the back of each card lightly using pencil
- Sort the subitizing cards into 10 envelopes
- Single colour dots
- 0-10
- 11-20
- 21-30
- 31-40
- 41-50
- Two colour dots
- 0-10
- 11-20
- 21-30
- 31-40
- 41-50
- Single colour dots
Number Recognition cards
- Print the number recognition cards single sided on 8.5”x11” white card stock
- Cut out the number recognition cards along the black lines
- Record the number on the back of each card lightly using pencil
- Sort the cards into three envelopes
- Whole numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
Objects for counting
- Create a separate bag for each counting collection
- Count out 45 counters and place them in a bag – label this bag 1
- Count out 137 counters and place them in a bag – label this bag 2
- Count out $3.75 using the following combination of coins – label this bag 3
- 1 Toonie
- 1 Loonie
- 2 quarters
- 2 dimes
- 1 nickel
- Count out $8.40 using the following combination of coins and bills – label this bag 4
- 1 five dollar bill
- 3 loonies
- 1 quarter
- 1 dime
- 1 nickel
- Count out $25.85 using the following combination of coins and bills – label this bag 5
- 2 ten dollar bills
- 1 five dollar bill
- 2 quarters
- 2 dimes
- 3 nickels
Student Profiles
- Print one student profile on 11×17 paper for each student
- Double sided print
- Fill in the student information at the top of the profile page
Class Profile
- Print one copy of the class profile page
- Fill in each student’s name on the class profile
- Make a new copy of the class profile document
- Fill in each student’s name in the name column
Student booklets
Before handing out the booklets
- Arrange classroom furniture so students can not see other’s work
- Check that all student booklets have the correct names and student information on them
- Initial directions to students
- Today we are going to do a math assessment that is going to show how much you know about number sense. This is not a test and will not be used for report cards, the results will be used to plan for your learning. The only people who will see your results are you, your teacher, your parents and the other teachers who work with our class. Your job is to do your best to complete the booklet independently. The adults cannot help you answer the questions but can clarify what questions are asking.
During the assessment
- Teacher and other adults circulate the classroom to help students remain on task and silent
- Do not give students any answers or hints
- This is a diagnostic assessment it needs to provide a clear picture of what students can do independently
- Teachers may reword or clarify wording
- Allow students to work for the entire time needed.
- Suggested time lines:
- Primary – 45 – 60 minutes
- Intermediate and Middle years 75-90 minutes
- Additional time may be given to ANY student who needs it
- Suggested time lines:
- Invite students to join you at a quiet spot in the room for the interview
- Before jumping into the assessment take a couple minutes to connect with the student
- Explain what you will be working on together today:
- Today we are going to do a quick number sense interview. I’m going to ask you to count for me a few different ways, identify some numbers I show you or say, tell me how many dots are on some cards and use manipulatives to make a few numbers. At any time if it becomes too much or you need a break you need to tell me and we will stop. While you are doing the tasks I give you your job is to do your very best, I am trying to see what you already know. If you are unsure you are going to try your best and it is okay if you make mistakes, those mistakes tell me where you need more practice and help me decide where to start teaching you.
- Work though the prompts in the interview guide for your level
- When to move to the next question or category
- Verbal counting
- A student makes an error in the expected counting sequence
- Subitizing
- A student misses 3 or more in a set of 10 cards
- End the subitizing section and record the highest number a student was able to accomplish successfully
- Object counting
- Do not interrupt a students count
- Record their error and strategies
- Spoken number recognition
- A student misses 2 or more in a category
- If many errors it may be advisable to consult the school based Speech Language Pathologist and resource / special education team to see if it is a language processing concern.
- If it is an ELL concern connect with your ELL or International Students team. In some cases using google translate to speak the numbers may be beneficial if the student has limited English.
- Printed number recognition
- When a student misses 3 or more numbers in a category
- Building numbers
- Do not interrupt a student building numbers
- Record errors and strategies
- Verbal counting
- Complete the recording sheet as you go
Student Booklet
- Gather your student booklet and answer key
- Place a check mark beside the questions a student got correct
- Do not make a mark beside the ones that are incorrect
- Gather interview recording sheets and answer key
- Place a check mark beside the questions the student got correct
Completing The Student Profile
- Gather the student profile sheet, student booklet and interview recording sheet for each student.
- On the student profile sheet highlight each skill the student has demonstrated mastery of (all opportunities to demonstrate that skill are correct)
- To determine what level a student’s skills, fall in record the level in which they demonstrate mastery of all of the skills in a particular strand of number sense.
- If a student demonstrates a mix of skills between two strands choose the lower of the two
- Add your observations about the students work in the observations section
- Next steps should be chosen from the learner profile in each level
- Plan for a student to master the skills in a level before moving to the next one
Completing the class profile
- Enter your students names, grade, the date of the assessment and the assessment form used
- Enter the skill level for each student in the corresponding column
- Delete the names and scores for the sample students
- Do not remove the average and most common level rows and columns or skill counts the formulas have been set for these columns to automatically update for your students.
- Enter your students names, grade, the date of the assessment and the assessment form used
- Enter the skill level for each student in the corresponding column