Counting and subitizing are the first number sense skills to develop and include students ability to count verbally and objects as well as subitizing. These skills are primarily developed in levels 1-7 beginning in students pre-school years and ending formal instruction as students complete the intermediate years and prepare to move to middle school.

Skill groupSkill descriptor1234567
Two colour dots   10203040
With objects351020304050
Copy with objects351020304050
CountingTo ____in sequence 51020100  
Objects and images to _____ with one-to-one correspondence351020100  
Counts objects with one-to-one correspondence to determine how many351020100  
Forward by ____ from zero 1121036
   5 47
Forward by from any number  121036
   5 47
Backward by from a given number  121036
   5 47
Groups objects by ____ for effective counting  12510100

(Sarama & Clements, 2023) (BC Numeracy Network ; J. Novakoski ; D. Lightbody, 2021)