Introduction to Number Agility

Number sense is the core element of elementary and middle school math curriculum, without solid number sense students are unable to engage in other areas of math and are left at a disadvantage in life. Number sense forms the backbone of all numeracy instruction, to teach math with out it would be like teaching English Language Arts with out ever teaching students phonics. Number sense is the ability to understand what numbers mean and how they relate to each other, it goes beyond counting or identifying numbers to the understanding of relationships, the ability to compare and order quantities and link numbers to the quantities they represent. Number sense is an essential skill to be able to function in any society and has been since ancient times, some of the earliest human writings include numbers.

The resources on this website were created with elementary and middle school classroom teachers in mind. The resources are designed to help teachers build strong number sense with their students through practical tools that can easily be incorporated into regular classroom instruction. The assessments and activities on Number Agility are designed to build on existing classroom instruction and to provide additional student data allowing for instruction to be better tailored to the students. All of the assessments and activities are research based as well as linked to the BC curriculum.

What You’ll Find On Number Agility

Number SenseStages of DevelopmentNumber Sense AssessmentActivities to Build Number Sense
Five Strands
– The Role of Number Sense
Phases of Development
Learning Trajectories
Number Agility Levels
Early Years
Middle Years
Class and Learner Profiles
Number Agility Daily Work Outs
Number Sense Routines