Students in their primary years are beginning to attend school and learn formally about numbers. Students entering the primary years in kindergarten expected to be able to work flexibly with quantities to 5. Many students enter this range able to verbally count with conservation of order to ten and beyond.  As students progress through the primary years, they expand their understanding of quantity from 5 to 100. Students begin to utilize place value to represent and understand quantities and number relationships. At this level students can write numbers and represent quantities with mathematical notation. Students can subitize with larger quantities as well as when the images or items are non-identical.  At this level, students are introduced to comparison and the concepts of equality and inequality.

Domainskill groupskill descriptor345
Numbers and countingrecognizes numbersspoken1020100
2 colour dots 1020
with objects102030
copy with objects102030
Countingto ____in sequence1020100
objects and images to _____ with one-to-one correspondence1020100
counts objects with one-to-one correspondence to determine how many1020100
forward by ____ from zero1210
forward by from any number1210
backward by from a given number1210
groups objects by ____ for effective counting125
Representing Numberswhole numberswith objects1020100
with drawings1020100
with numerals1020100
Place Valuebase 10 numeration – whole numbersrepresents numbers with base ten blocks to 20100
uses a place value chart to represent numbers to 20100
identifies the value of the numbers in each place to 20100
record numbers in standard notation from a place value chart 20100
Number Relationshipscomposition and decompositioncomposes numbers to___ in many ways using objects510100
composes numbers to___ in many ways using pictures510100
compose numbers to____ using numerals and mathematical notation 10100
uses base 10 blocks to compose numbers to ___ in many ways 20100
decomposes numbers to___ in many ways using objects510100
decomposes numbers to___ in many ways using pictures510100
decompose numbers to____ using numerals and mathematical notation 10100
uses base 10 blocks to decompose numbers to ___ in many ways 20100
comparing and ordering – base 10 numerationcompares quantities to1020100
compare pairs of numbers to a maximum number of ___ using inequalities notation (greater than/ less than / equal to) 20100
compare groups of numbers to a maximum number of ___ using inequalities notation (greater than/ less than / equal to)  100
uses place value to compare numbers 10100
uses place value to order numbers 10100
order numbers to ___ 20100
place numbers to ___ on a number line  100
uses benchmarks to compare and order numbers 1025